March 22, 2016 4 Comments
There's loads of highly profitable work available in soft washing steel and aluminium industrial cladding because the soft wash approach is far more cost-effective, faster, and easier than power / pressure washing.
The best-known brand of steel cladding is Kingspan Cladding, who have confirmed that Benz Lightning Cleanze is suitable to safely and effectively soft wash Kingspan steel cladding.
Watch the short how-to video below to learn how to soft wash Kingspan industrial cladding using Lightning Cleanze at only 10:1 dilution
We hope this information is helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,
Ben, Leo,
Fiona, Stevie & Anthony
April 25, 2016
Hi just looking for some advice on cleaning wet pour play surfaces
(The soft area in play grounds) has anyone cleaned any before and what would be best to clean with ?
Thanks jamie
April 18, 2016
Hi Joe and thanks for your question,
I am unsure what Kingspan “pdf” cladding is. Could you give more details?
Certainly with regular Kingspan steel cladding Blackwash at 10:1 should easily take care of the problem. In the video you see Ben using Blackwash at 10:1 on steel cladding and there’s no need to follow up with Biocidal Wash.
On render we recommend post-treating with Biocidal Wash no later than 12 months following initial cleaning with Blackwash. This will ensure the spores are killed deep into the render and will leave a residual protection that will ensure your customer can enjoy clean render for 2-3 years on average (depending on prevailing weather and location – can be longer). You can post-treat on the day of cleaning with Blackwash if your customer wants the best possible clean and protect service and is willing to pay the extra.
I hope this helps.
best wishes,
April 13, 2016
Hi guys. We are new to your products and have started using the blackwash on a coloured render job which is working well.
I have been asked about cleaning a garage with kingspan pdf cladding its not too bad but has black stains running under fittings will 10:1 ratio get those off ok normally?
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February 07, 2025
How can you use Benz Tornado Cleanze thick gel to remove black spot & soft wash sandstone?
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January 31, 2025
Catch up with all of the news from the soft washing industry & Benz HQ this quarter.
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January 24, 2025
Polytunnels and greenhouses can be soft washed safely and effectively, although because of their delicate nature they require special attention.
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It's a free resource for people wanting to learn about the soft washing industry, to expand an existing business, or build a new business.
Soft washing reduces, or even eliminates, the need to use high-pressure washing.
Instead, once the build up of algae, lichen, fungus and mould – the root causes of properties looking "dirty" – has been treated, the natural "self-cleansing" of sun, rain and wind removes the surface residue through time.
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April 26, 2016
Hi Jamie – Ben is about to treat exactly that surface in a playground. So we’ll let you know the results in a few days.
best wishes,