Can you use Benz Bio Cleanze for soft washing uPVC windows, doors, gutters, facia and soffit?

July 18, 2019

Can you use Benz Bio Cleanze for soft washing uPVC windows, doors, gutters, facia and soffit?


A customer asked us if Benz Bio Cleanze can be used to softwash uPVC window frames, doors, gutters, facia and soffit.

He wrote: "Can I use Bio Cleanze to softwash uPVC, or does it have to be Benz Lightning Cleanze? If it has to be Lightning Cleanze how do you do it if the rendered walls of the house are only being treated with Bio Cleanze?

"My customers clearly want their uPVC gutters, soffit, facia, window frames, doors, etc cleaned but it is very hard work by hand and I wondered if you could help."

We replied ...

Yes, Bio Cleanze could be used to soft wash uPVC. But ... it's not what we recommend as the product of choice.

This is because uPVC is a non-porous surface and we generally recommend treating uPVC, and other non-porous surfaces, with Lightning Cleanze at 10:1. Simply spray, give a light agitation with a brush where necessary, and then rinse before it dries.

Most often, you'll find that Lightning Cleanze will easily get uPVC clean within a matter of 10-15 minutes, when it can be rinsed off to leave a wonderfully clean uPVC surface.

At the same time, if you are going to soft wash the surrounding render, you could "spot treat" any particularly badly contaminated areas. At 10:1 it will not give instant results but will certainly help. Then treat all the render with Bio Cleanze as normal.

Quick tips:

  1. If your customer objects to the use of a sodium hypochlorite based product for soft washing their uPVC – even after you have explained that the strength of the solution, and the process involved, is no different to sterilising a baby's bottle – you could use Bio Cleanze instead of Lightning Cleanze.

    It will take longer to show results, and will need some brushing in, but will work as a surfactant while killing algae spores. A 50:1 dilution will usually be all that is required.

    For uPVC, Bio Cleanze will need to be rinsed, unlike when it is applied to porous surfaces. This is because the dirty residue must be removed from the surface. Rinsing using a soft brush on a water fed pole, with de-ionsised water, will produce the most effective results.

  2. Benz Bio Cleanze comes into its own mainly when soft washing porous surfaces, where it's ability to soak deep (because it's a highly effective "wetting agent") allows it to kill spores that were hiding below the surface.

    This deep soaking ability allows Bio Cleanze to stay inside the treated material, actively killing spores that may try to re-colonise for many months after the treatment.

  3. If we have a batch of Bio Cleanze mixed for a job, which we have completed, we may sometimes use up the excess Bio Cleanze to treat light to medium soiled uPVC. 

Click the link below to learn more about soft washing uPVC (includes a how-to video):

What's the best, easiest and fastest way to softwash uPVC & painted surfaces?

We hope you found this information helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,

Ben, Leo, Fiona, Stevie & Anthony

Important: Before soft washing an entire property, always – with your customer's permission – treat a small test patch first, to determine the optimum product and product dilution for the specific surface you are treating.

Click here to explore the full range of Benz softwash cleaning products

Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide


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