April 12, 2016
We've noticed considerable misinformation being published online regarding the effect of some softwash chemicals.
What happens and what does not happen when we apply softwash chemicals to a surface is vitally important for every contractor to know, particularly when soft washing the relatively delicate surface of a rendered wall.
At Benz Softwash we do our best to research the facts, truth, and reality of the chemical processes involved in soft washing.
We want our customers to have the best possible understanding of our softwash products, so they can have total confidence in using them on their customer's properties.
Watch this short video in which Ben destroys the myths surrounding the production of hydrochloric acid when Benz Lightning Cleanze is applied to a rendered wall.
(Note that the video refers to the old name of Lightning Cleanze, "Blackwash")
We hope you found this information helpful and sincerely wish you great success in your soft washing business,
Ben, Leo
, Fiona, Stevie & Anthony
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October 04, 2024
Catch up with all of the news from the soft washing industry & Benz HQ this quarter.
Click to read more..
September 27, 2024 4 Comments
How do you overcome the problem of having to constantly find new customers for your soft washing business?
Click the link on this page to find out ...
September 20, 2024 3 Comments
A customer asked us what we thought a fair price would be for soft washing a tarmac drive. He told us he wanted to quote a fair price for the customer and for himself, and also to keep his soft washing pricing in line with general pricing in the softwash industry.
Click the link on this page to find out what we told him ...
It's a free resource for people wanting to learn about the soft washing industry, to expand an existing business, or build a new business.
Soft washing reduces, or even eliminates, the need to use high-pressure washing.
Instead, once the build up of algae, lichen, fungus and mould – the root causes of properties looking "dirty" – has been treated, the natural "self-cleansing" of sun, rain and wind removes the surface residue through time.
By educating the cleaning trade and public about soft washing we are helping develop an industry that offers sustainable treatments to clean and maintain exterior hard surfaces.
Subscribe to our free trade tips blog to download your "Professional Soft Wash Contractors Pricing Guide".
The free guide shows you – step by step – how to easily, quickly, and accurately create softwash business quotes.
This saves you time, is a highly professional approach, and increases your chances of winning new contracts.
© 2024 Benz Softwash Ltd.