The fastest and most profitable way to learn professional soft washing (video)

September 02, 2020

The fastest and most profitable way to learn professional soft washing

Benz Softwash Bio Cleanze DDAC biocide & Benz Softwash Lightning Cleanze SH sodium hypochlorite biocide




This printed, full-colour illustrated paperback manual ...

  • Is clear and easy to read – with loads of photographs showing the principles of soft washing in action.

  • Explains the how-to of soft washing in a straightforward way that's easy to understand.

  • Contains practical knowledge that comes from several years trial and error "hands-on" soft washing experience.


What's in the Benz soft washing render manual?

The manual outlines the basics of soft washing and then demonstrates specific techniques for soft washing render. The numerous before and after photographs illustrate the methods described in the text, making the manual accessible to everyone.


"LOOK INSIDE" the book before you buy!

(Click on the graphic below, then click "preview" on the page you are directed to)


BENZ Softwash Render Cleaning and Maintenance System


What's the softwashing render manual going to do for you?

This is the only fully illustrated paperback of its kind available in the UK and Ireland. And we believe it to be unique in the world.

Written in down-to-earth language, the manual is easy to read while giving the reader a professional understanding of, and greater skills in, soft washing in general and soft washing render in particular.

This means it’s now possible to get going and successfully run a soft washing business much more quickly than before – simply because readers of this manual will not have to “re-invent the wheel” through arduous and expensive trial and error experience.

Is the manual just about the theory of soft washing render?

No way! It is a practical how-to guide that every soft washing contractor will want to carry with them for quick and easy reference.

The manual explains how the specialised Benz “Clean & Maintain” softwash system – using two powerful biocides that are fully approved by the Irish and UK governments – first cleans the render, and then keeps it clean far longer than other methods.

Will the manual help me with soft washing other surfaces, not just render?

Yes! Although focused primarily on treating render, you'll find the principles of soft washing also apply to soft washing paths, patios, driveways, brickwork, concrete, tarmac, play areas, tennis courts, tiled and slate roofs, and wooden sheds, fences and decking.

We hope you find this information helpful.

Our sincere wishes for a good life and a profitable business,

Ben, Leo & Fiona

Benz soft washing how-to manual



PS: The boring bit ...

We know many soft wash contractors think of Health & Safety legislation as a "necessary evil". And we don't exactly get excited about it either ...

But we all have to face reality. Like it or not, Health and Safety legislation is a fact of modern business life. And a serious fact at that.

Because Health & Safety inspectors have the power to close down and fine businesses who do not comply with their regulations

That's why we included the essential health, safety and technical product information in the manual. Boring though it may be to some, it is vital for all soft washing professionals to understand the law and to remain compliant with it.

Click here and buy the manual today and be sure to stay safe

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